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Inline or Ice Blade/Ice Mount

Inline or Ice Blade/Ice Mount

Mounting fee includes mounting any boot to any inline figure frame with mounting screws, pressing bearings and spacers into the wheels, installing the wheels on the axles and installing jump stops, toe plugs or pics, if applicable. There is no discount for a partial mount. For instance if you purchase just a boot and a frame, we will mount the boot to the plate and assemble the plate and trucks and ship it to you without wheels or bearings. We do not assemble items not purchased via Sk8gear.

We do not assemble skates unless the assembly includes either boots, frames, plates or blades purchased via this Sk8gear order. If you are sending items to be included in the assembly, ship them insured to this secure address:
The Sk8gear Store
100 Charles H Orndorf Dr #1548
Brighton, MI 48116

  • Details

    A mounting fee is not charged for factory assembled complete skates located on any of the complete skates Sk8gear Store pages. These are specially packaged manufacturers' setups and the price includes their assembly.

    If you choose your own combination of equipment, a mounting fee is charged. Mounting/assembly fees are extra and is not provided unless the fee shown is added to your shopping cart.

    If you are a competitive skater or need any special placement or adjustments, please have your new equipment assembled by your rink pro shop or a local skate service technician recommended by your coach.

    Please be prepared to adjust your new equipment for your own skating needs.


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